50 $DrakendHeart
5 $DrakendHeart
20 $DrakendHeart
50 $Swamp Yankee Stu
20 $DrakendHeart
50.00 $:Important:
You have to be verified in order to purchase items from our webstore. While in-game type /auth to begin the verification process.
:How it works:
In the top menu, you see various categories you can choose from. Choose one of the categories and it will show you what you can purchase. Take a look, and once you've decided what you want you can move on to the next step.
Once you've decided what suits you, click "Buy". Which will open some more information about the package, click buy again to add the package to your cart.
The checkout process is handled securely by PayPal. They allow users to use creditcards as well.
When purchasing something of the store, you will need to be online in-game. The package should arrive within 5-10 minutes. In case it doesn't, open a ticket using the Payment Issues category.
Thank you very much for supporting our server!